Thermography is a noninvasive imaging tool that uses a thermal camera to detect heat radiating from the horses body. The image produced allows s to detect areas of excess heat, excess coolness, and abnormal or asymmetrical patterns of heat on the horses body. The changes seen on a thermal image reflect inflammation and changes in blood circulation in underlying bone, tendons, muscles, and joints. Thermography enhances the physical exam and other diagnostic imaging methods such as radiographs, ultrasound. and MRI.
Advantages of thermography:
- Safe and does not expose the patient or handler to radiation
- The procedure is fast, taking 20-30 minutes to image an entire horse
- No sedation required
- Thermography is a whole horse imaging modality that aids in diagnosing injuries that may go undetected by other means
Uses of thermography:
- Evaluating sore backs, saddle fit issues, and rider balance problems
- During lameness exams to detect the true source of pain
- Detect soft tissue inflammation in tendons and ligaments up to 2 weeks prior to onset of lameness